Adventure Theatre is a multifaceted provider of theatrical entertainment co-founded by Adam and Lindsey Sovkoplas in 2018. We believe that life is an adventure made better by theatre, and our goal is to provide you with entertainment that fits your needs while exceeding your expectations.
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas,
whatever the occasion might be, an Adventure Theatre gift certificate is always a killer gift! Purchase now in increments of $25 or email us to request a specific amount: [email protected] Elena Guerra as Citrine Peridot in Wicked Witches' Brew (2019)
Photo by Noah Hall Venue, Menu, and Ticket info HERE!Photos By: Noah Hall
Visit our photo gallery HERE! |
At Adventure Theatre, we do our best to keep our murder mystery shows family friendly. Our murder mysteries are comedies, and we avoid foul language, lewdness, and gruesome death scenes. There is usual some innuendo, but if your kiddos get the jokes, that's not on us. We typically compare our adult humor to what you might find in a movie like Shrek, and if it goes beyond that, we'll put a disclaimer on the event. We are working with some of our venues to add children's menus and ticket prices to make it more affordable for families to attend. Our goal is to make it cheaper to bring your kiddos to a show than it would be to hire a babysitter if you choose to do so! If you would like to purchase children's tickets, please give us a call or send us an email and we will try to work out details with our venues. (859) 536-4367 [email protected] Cast and extras from Murder by Memory (2020)
Photo by Noah Hall Having a party? We make house calls! |