Synopsis: Stanley and Family Enterprises is inviting everyone to their 37th annual office Christmas party! Unfortunately, this year’s party may be missing some of the expected bells and whistles as Stanley and Family is going bankrupt due to some of the CEO’s, how should we put it… legally dubious business choices. BUT the employees don’t know they’ll be jobless for the New Year, so let’s put aside our office squabbling, swallow our pride (and that fruitcake), and celebrate the season by spending MORE time around the people we can’t stand being stuck with every day. It’s not like anyone has ever died from nepotism, quirky coworkers, or tax evasion, right?!
By: Cooper Boss
ATTENTION: Due to limited seating, different parties will likely be grouped together at a single table.
Children's Tickets!
Goodwood in Lexington is currently the only show offering children's tickets, but we are happy to put in a request to other venues on your behalf if you ask us well in advance. Most of our shows are a self-rated PG with some innuendo and jokes that we do not expect children to understand. Please feel free to contact us for a brief summary of the show if you want to make sure it is safe for you to bring your kids: [email protected] or call 859-536-4367 |
Sunday, December 15th at 6:00pm
Dinner begins at 6:00pm. Seating begins at 5:45.
$59/person Includes:
***Can accommodate dietary restrictions (vegetarian, allergies, etc.) |
Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00pm
Dinner begins at 7:00pm. Seating begins at 6:45.
Adult Ticket $48/person Includes:
***Can accommodate dietary restrictions (vegetarian, allergies, etc.) |
$25/person Includes:
Sunday, December 22nd at 6:00pm
Dinner begins at 6:00pm. Seating begins at 5:45.
$65/person Includes:
***Can accommodate dietary restrictions (vegetarian, allergies, etc.) |
Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm
Dinner begins at 7:00pm. Seating begins at 6:45.
$59/person Includes:
PO Box 11632
Lexington, KY |